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First Men in the Moon / 20 Million Miles to Earth Blu-ray | Region B

FIRST MEN IN THE MOON: Brilliant and brave British scientist Joseph Cavor (Lionel Jeffries) revolutionises a gravity deflecting device and builds his own spacecraft with the sole intention of taking a trip to the moon. Accompanied by loyal explorers Arnold Bedford (Edward Judd) and Kate Callender (Martha Hyer), they encounter all manner of intergalactic peril along the way and even discover an insect-like alien race living under the moon’s surface.

MILLION MILES TO EARTH: On its way home from Venus, a U.S. Army rocket ship crashes into the sea of Sicily leaving Colonel Calder (William Hopper) the sole survivor…or so it seems. A sealed container is also recovered from the wreck and when a zoologist (Frank Puglia) and his granddaughter (Joan Taylor) open it, the gelatinous mass inside escapes. Overnight, it grows into a horrific monster that has doubled in size. In desperation, Calder calls in the Army to help fight the monster, which has taken refuge atop the Coliseum in Rome. But it will take more than man’s weapons to fight the evil forces of the unknown and save the world from destruction.

Format: Blu-ray Region B

Minutes: 186 Approx

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